Wednesday, June 16, 2010

when love becomes madu

hey human,

i have these ulsers thingy. i've 5 of them and i hate it so much. it's very painful. i'm not quite sure what's the causes. i drink plenty of plain water today. and yes, it's not normal for me as i nornally drink 2 glasses of water per day. my legs still hurt. my tight too. i had  a teribble sleep last. i didn't have enough sleep. i hate it ! so damn much. i'll sleep 'till noon tomorrow as i would not go for hipers. haha. oh yes, my butt hurts too btw. ouch ! i suffered alot today. i sat in front of the computer for 7 hours straight today. no wonder i hurt my precious butt. haha.

i had changed darling's name from love to madu. wtf ? hahaha. that was hilarious ! mom knew about the texts thingy and i decided to change the name so that if any text from him, it would be madu instead of love. i know it sounds stupid but that is how i try to survive. uh :\

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